Pre-arrangement Plans
Most people understand that life insurance is about peace of mind. The same is true of pre-planning your funeral arrangements.
By taking care of the details today, you are giving your family a valuable gift — the knowledge that your funeral will perfectly reflect your wishes after you’ve gone. What’s more, like life insurance, you’ll take the financial worry of planning final arrangements off their shoulders. By pre-paying, your family is also guaranteed that they will never be asked to pay more, regardless of inflation.
The big decisions…
Since planning a funeral isn’t something most families face often, the biggest step in pre-planning is knowing when to start. The answer is simple. It’s never too early to pre-plan, particularly when your final arrangements are part of astute financial planning. By making informed choices ahead of time, you can rest assured that, during a time of profound distress, your family is protected from difficult decisions.
…and the little details
Over decades of service, the Cole family and our staff have earned a reputation for offering the kind of compassionate care you’d expect from one family to another. We have years of experience in handling the small but important details, personal wishes and finer points that create a truly meaningful and personal ceremony.
Our expert staff can guide you through every aspect of the process, from choosing memorial stationery to deciding your preferences for caskets or urns. By discussing and paying for such things in advance, you ensure that your life will be remembered as you wish by loved ones after you are gone.
Pre-payment options
There are several ways to pre-pay for your final arrangements. Our options are flexible, too, and can be tailored to your budget.
Monthly Payment
Costs spread out over periods of one, three, five or ten years.
With the exception of the one year plan, our payment options include protection during the payment period and at the completion of the plan. Through this service, we guarantee your arrangements will not be subject to future inflation.
Single Payment
One single fully paid payment.
Deposit Payment
Deposit payment, accrued to growth and applied as a credit to prevailing funeral costs at the time of need
Find out more
If you’d like to learn more about the importance of pre-paid funeral arrangements or want to speak to a director about your wishes, we’re here to help. Contact us on 613 831 7122 or email directly on
Cole Funeral Services:
2500 Baseline Road,
Ottawa, Ontario K2C 3H9
Telephone: (613) 831-7122